von : Dune: Awakening Team

Shigadraht-Rollen – Teil 1 

Erhalte neue Einblicke in Arrakis und Dune: Awakening mit unseren neuen Shigadraht-Rollen, wenn wir näher auf die verschiedenen Elemente aus dem Pre-Alpha-Teaser-Trailer eingehen.  

Dein Überleben könnte davon abhängen.  

Deprecated: This installation of the SDK is using PHP version 7.4.30, which will be deprecated on January 13th, 2025. Please upgrade your PHP version to a minimum of 8.1.x to continue receiving updates for the AWS SDK for PHP. To disable this warning, set suppress_php_deprecation_warning to true on the client constructor or set the environment variable AWS_SUPPRESS_PHP_DEPRECATION_WARNING to true. More information can be found at: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/announcing-the-end-of-support-for-php-runtimes-8-0-x-and-below-in-the-aws-sdk-for-php/ in /var/app/current/dist/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/ClientResolver.php on line 1474